Friday, March 22, 2013

The Welcome Post

Hail, lads and lasses. Grab a seat, and a pint, the bard should be along shortly!

Thank you so much for stopping by, however you may have gotten here! Whether by horse, foot, or this "Google" nonsense I've been hearing about. Must be related to CHIM or something...

At any rate, I hope to get my first real post up soon. Unless this happens to be the first post 6 months from now, in which case...oops, I tried!

For some serious business, this is a place to showcase the crafts I will be making for you to enjoy. All of my craft posts will be in tutorial form, though I plan to make them fun and entertaining for TES aficionados (and those who are not also), informative for the crafty types, and simple to understand for those as lost and confused as myself. In between I will post things that I feel relevant, whether it be Elder Scrolls lore related or craft related. And trust that I will sprinkle plenty of my own brand of humor into the mix. Again, spread out for any that might wander up to this site.

I hope that my crafts will appeal to the broader audience of the craft world while also attracting a well rooted fan-base of lore and tradition of The Elder Scrolls. For the die hard TES crowd, I will put my lore nose to the grind wheel to get some real meat to all the crafts I post, if any, so stay tuned folks!

While you wait for the mythical first post to rise from the ashes of the last kalpa, please take a look at any and all of the pages linked at the top of your viewing area. That is unless of course that blasted scamp made off with them again. Between them and those cliff racers...

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them! If you have any suggestions for crafts please click here, or find out more about CoT here.

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